Monday 26 December 2016

Representation clip analysis

Dominant and Alternative Representations

Gangster Squad 

1) List the different people/groups represented in the trailer (men/women/Americans etc.)
Men, women, Americans, police detectives, gangsters

2) For each group, decide whether the representation is a dominant or alternative portrayal.
Men - dominant 
The male characters in the trailer are presented as strong, powerful, and reckless figures who are willing to do anything to get what they want. They are also very aggressive and violent which is a common characteristic amongst male characters.

Women- alternative/ dominant
The woman in the trailer is portrayed as confident and independent when she is talking to one of the detectives at the bar. This is the alternative representation as women usually play characters who are vulnerable and rather dependent on others. This is shown later on in the trailer when the women asks for the mans help (dominant representation). 

Americans - dominant 
The all American cast is portrayed as a violent and reckless group of people who again are willing to get what they want using force. They are also seen as the ''intelligent group'' who come up with ways to get rid of the enemy.  

police detectives- dominant/ alternative
The police detectives are seen as independent, and confident figures as they are seen coming up with plans and carrying out dangerous tasks in order to complete their mission. However the alternative representation could be the diversity amongst the group. For example there is one member of the group that is African american. Also, a mechanical expert who has a loving family is also seen in the group. 

gangsters- dominant
The gangsters are seen as ruthless criminals who use extreme violence to stop the opposing group getting in their way.

3) What stereotypes can you identify in the trailer?
The trailer suggests that Americans are violent and dominant figures. It also suggests that women are weak and vulnerable and seek assistance and safety from a dominant male figure.

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